Urban Desert is a company that delivers cacti and succulents to your door. There is a variety of cacti and succulent sizes to choose from, but for this project I focused on the smallest sizes. The idea behind the company is for more people to have plants as accents in their home and have them decorate more eco-friendly. I want it to be a fun experience to buy plants and it is even easier to buy them now that they are delivered to your door!

My customer demographic is females aged 18-30 who are also plant lovers. This demographic is trending with the purchase of plants because they want to be surrounded by the vibrant, natural foliage. Being a plant parent is also a lifestyle associated with wellness and environmentalism.

At first, I wanted to create a logo that had a succulent or cacti graphic. After creating many logos, I ended up with a very modern and chique word mark. I used a script for the name "Urban Desert" and a sans serif to explain what the company was, which is "cacti and succulents". The two fonts I used were Luxus Brut Regular (script) and Novecento (sans serif). For the colors, I chose a pale pink and a pale green because they were natural colors that I found in succulents and cacti. 

Outside of the Box:
For the outside of my box I created a tape label to go around the front of the box. I chose this direction so that it would be more secure and obvious if tampered with. On both sides of the box tape are different types of cacti and succulents available for purchase. I chose to use six different colors, two of which are from the logo, and different type faces, from the Novecento family, to seperate the text in an aesthetically pleasing way that was still unified. On the top of the box is a light pink rectangle with the logo on top. I wanted this part of the label to be more minimal since there was a lot of text everywhere else. 

The Inside of the Box: 
For the Inside of my box, I wanted it to be very welcoming and exciting for the person receiving the cacti or succulents. The first thing that the consumer sees when the box is opened is a message that says "Welcome to Plant Parenthood, You will do Great". I chose this message because the demographic that I am aiming for call themselves "plant parents" or "plant moms". Also, by saying "You will do Great", I am telling the plant parent that they will do okay caring for the plants because they are very hard to kill since they only need so much water. 

Once the two inside flaps are opened, the consumer sees the cacti or succulents, the tags associated with the appropriate cacti or succulent, and a piece of paper that has other plants available for purchase.
Each tag has a drawing of the cactus or succulent that it associates with. The bold, green title is the nickname for the plant and the pink script below it is the scientific name for the plant. The "About" section is a description of the plant and the "Plant Care" section tells the consumer what their plant needs to thrive. 
Other Products:
The "Try our Other Cacti and Succulents" paper has a list of other plant products people can order through the home delivery store. At the bottom is a website for them to shop at.
In conclusion, I designed this box to be a modern, fun design as well an experience for the person receiving it. 
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